september 5, 2019
Helen Peacock speaks to Barrie Today:
“War is not inevitable,” said Peacock. “When you put a bunch of people together, conflict is inevitable … and we do have to take a stand against evil. But war is the greatest evil, and we don’t take a stand against evil with a greater evil.”
In my mind, war is a choice, and the world has come a long way in conflict resolution tools and philosophies since the Second World War.
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Founding of Pivot2Peace
Septemer 2019
Our chapter raises awareness in our corner of the world that war is NOT inevitable, just, necessary, or beneficial. We want to lift the veil from people’s eyes about the $2 trillion of taxpayer money, worldwide, that goes into the war machine, and the good that money could do for our planet if redirected toward peace-making, education, and the environment. In other words, recognizing what Einstein said (that a problem cannot be fixed at the level of consciousness that created it), we want to raise our collective consciousness away from the tolerance of war, and toward the vision of a peaceful approach to resolving conflict.
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World Beyond War & Pivot2Peace
August 14, 2019
How did you get involved with World BEYOND War (WBW)?
Since my 20s, I have been interested in peace (both inner peace and world peace) and consciousness (both my own and the outside world’s). I had a left-brain logical education and corporate career path (degrees in math, physics, and computer science followed by various management positions in operations and systems). But I still had a small voice within telling me that this was not my life’s work. After 19 years of corporate life, I shifted and ultimately started my own company offering leadership and team-building retreats to corporate groups. I introduced my groups to the Enneagram as a way of understanding different and equally valuable leadership styles. Because the Enneagram is a system for understanding personality where you find your place based on your inner experience (your habits of thinking, feeling, and perceiving), and not your outer behavior, these workshops were vehicles for “consciousness raising” for both individuals and the team.
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International Peace Day
november 11, 2019
Georgian Life Article for remebrance day
An evening of live entertainment, dancing, and inspiration - celebrated International Peace Day at the Collingwood Legion on September 21st. The free event was organized by Pivot2Peace, the South Georgian Bay Chapter of World Beyond War. Peace Day was established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, and provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a culture of peace. Photos/Story: Bryan Davies Photography. More photos on See November 2019 Issue.
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