About Us
Pivot2Peace was founded in June, 2019 as part of a growing global movement to abolish the institution of war and replace it with a just and sustainable peace. Why? Because war and militarism make us less safe, cost $2 trillion tax-payer dollars per year world-wide, and are a top polluter/destroyer of our environment. Simply put, we cannot address today’s urgent Climate Crisis without addressing the destructive environmental impact of war.
We believe the tragedy of the pandemic has a silver lining. It has opened people’s minds to the fact that we are all connected, and that no one is safe until we are all safe. We want to embrace this new consciousness to create a Canada that is a true Peace-building force, both at home, and in the world.
Our Unique Place in the Canadian Peace Movement
Pivot2Peace is a member of the newly formed Canada Peace Network, a group of Peace organizations across Canada who are coming together for greater impact. Each member organization has its own priorities and focus. In Pivot2Peace we are working to abolish the institution of war as a means of resolving conflict by directly confronting the collective western consciousness that on the one hand professes to want peace, and on the other hand has allowed 250 wars since WWII. We are all, each of us, part of that consciousness. If we focus on preventing this war, or those sanctions, but do not look at the thinking that has created them in the first place, wars will continue. Einstein said “A problem cannot be fixed at the level of consciousness that created it”. Pivot2Peace is focused on educating Canadians to our own complicity in war, and shifting the Canadian consciousness toward a Peace orientation. We want to empower our politicians and leaders to WAGE PEACE.
Our Mission
To raise awareness in Canada that war is NOT inevitable, NOT justifiable, NOT necessary, and NOT beneficial in any way. On the contrary, militarism pollutes and destroys the environment more than any other industry, and is costing us $2 trillion/year of taxpayer money worldwide – money that could be redirected to Green Energy solutions to save the planet rather than destroy it.
We want to help Canada make a huge systemic shift toward our core values of peace and acceptance of others, and away from our present tolerance of war and the killing of others. We want to leverage our peaceful reputation to actively WAGE PEACE, and to address the Climate Crisis with bold systemic moves to allocate our tax payer dollars according to our peace and environmental priorities.
In 2019, the Department of Defense budget was over $32 billion, while the Ministry of the Environment’s budget was under $3 billon. With the world facing catastrophic climate change impacts, a rising risk of nuclear war, growing economic inequality, a tragic refugee crisis, systemic racism, and now the coronavirus pandemic, military spending must be redirected to vital human and environmental needs. We want conversion of the arms industry to a peaceful, green, and just economy.
Strategic Direction
Evolve the responsibilities of the Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security into a Ministry of Peace operating at the cabinet level
Refocus our Ministry of Defense to make it strictly defensive and transition defense resources and funding to Green Energy solutions within the Ministry of the Environment: medical solutions to the Pandemic Emergency; and, Peacekeeping initiatives within a Ministry of Peace
End any form of arms trade between Canada and other countries
Partner with other Canadian Peace and Environmental organizations to educate and inform the Canadian public about the costs of war and the benefits of peace