Our Programs
1. Education and Outreach
Educate Canadians that war is NOT inevitable or justifiable, that it costs $2 trillion/yr of tax payer dollars world-wide, that it destroys the environment, and that it can be ended if we want it. If just 3.5% of Canadians “wake up” and shift to a Peace orientation, that is enough to shift our entire population. In particular, peace awareness is crucial to addressing the Climate Crisis and the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency. These are the true threats to our safety and security. Transitioning resources from “defense” (ie war and the preparations for war) to Health and the Environment is critical to resolving these threats.
2. Peace Pledge
Encourage 700 residents of South Georgian Bay to sign the World Beyond War Peace Pledge (3.5% of the town of Collingwood)
3. CancelCANSEC 2021 trade show
Protest Canada’s role in facilitating the International Arms Trade through its Global Defence and Security Trade Show (CANSEC). (https://actionnetwork.org/letters/cancelcansec/)
CANSEC is North America’s largest weapons expo, held annually in Ottawa - and without the knowledge of most Canadians. CANSEC2021, currently scheduled for June 2-3, 2021, is expected to attract 12,000+ government and military officials and weapons industry representatives from 55 countries. The weapons bought and sold at CANSEC endanger the lives of people worldwide with violence, conflict, and war, and add to the millions of displaced people already living in refugee camps.
4. #NOWAR2021 International Peace Conference, June 1-6, 2021
World Beyond War is holding its annual International Conference in Ottawa at the same time as CANSEC2021. Piivot2Peace is a sponsor and a member of the organizing committee. This conference will help build and strengthen the Canadian Peace movement
5. #ClimatePeace, No New Fighter Jets Campaign
Work with Voices of Women for Peace, World Beyond War, Peace Brigades International and other members of the Canada Peace Network to cancel Canada’s planned $19 billion dollar purchase of 88 new Fighter Jets.
6. International Peace Day Celebration September 21, 2020
Building on the success of our September 21, 2019 International Peace Day Celebration, and recognizing the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, creatively commemorate peace on September 21, 2020.
7. Monthly Meetings
Recognizing the constraints of the COVID -19 pandemic, we are currently meeting by Zoom at least once a month – usually the last Monday of the month 7:00-7:40pm. All members, and interested friends are welcome.