Our Founders
Standing up For Peace, September 2019, Blueshores Clubhouse
Meet The Team
Pivot2Peace was founded by Helen Peacock in June, 2019 after 18 months of research, study and discussion with neighbors, colleagues, family, and friends. Helen was particularly inspired by the work of World Beyond War and the learning she gained from their on-line course War Abolition 101. But the true impetus for Pivot2Peace comes from the horror our more than 120 members feel about our complicity in the 250 wars since WWII, the empathy we have for the millions of people whose lives have been destroyed by war, and the sense of urgency we share about the Climate Crisis. We can no longer allow over $2 trillion tax payer dollars per year, globally, to be squandered on life-destroying wars. That money must be redirected to life-affirming human and environmental needs.
Our Partners
Pivot2Peace is the South Georgian Bay Chapter of World Beyond War - a global movement to end all wars with members in 175 countries
Pivot2Peace is also aligned with the Canadian Peace Initiative’s campaign to establish a Federal Department of Peace